Projects BYOD BYOD stands for Bring your own device – KA210 partner. Developing successful online/digital teaching modules, dissemination material, videos and lesson shadowing. Partner is Zentrum für Schulqualität und Lehrerbildung Baden-Württemberg (ZSL). In the project we provided understanding for a successful Bring your own device (BYOD) lessons. Here you can download material provided by the project. Material includes background paper, handout overview and vriterias for a successful BYOD lessons. Also lesson descriptions both in English and German are shared here below. Background paper BYOD in VET 23-06-14.pdf Broschüre Übersicht BYOD in VET 23-06-01 DE.pdf Criteria for a successful BYOD lessons.pdf Handout Overview BYOD in VET 23-06-01 EN.pdf Lessons BYOD in VET.pdf Unterrerichstsstunde BYOD in VET.pdf GreenVETnet GreenVETnet – KA220 coordinator. Developing teaching of green skills in Tourism&Hospitality, Transport&Logistics, Business Education and Sustainable and low energy construction. There are 8 partners in 7 countries. The project partners produced a Green Skills Toolkit which is a practical material package of perspectives on VET teaching of green skills. EMEU4CROSSOVERS EMEU4CROSSOVERS – KA220 partner. Main goal is to raise awareness of staff, students and industry regarding the need for and benefits of crossover cooperation between education and industry. The economy and society are changing rapidly, and the collaboration between education and industry needs to change accordingly. During 2022-2025, nine partners from five different European countries will work together to create, test and offer crossover experiences in theory and practice allowing students from different study fields to offer solutions for observations out of their vocational area and, therefore, to develop a flexible mindset. For further information on crossover modules produced, please visit EMEU website. Logistics VET Hub Logistics VET Hub – KA220 partner (2021-1-ES01-KA220-VET-000034818) 2021-2023 Along the Logistics VET Hub project, the partners have established a sustainable strategic partnership comprising international logistics and VET experts in Europe. The partners have exchanged good practices on VET specialisations in logistics sector, as well as the professional profiles, skills, needs and trends of the logistic sector in Europe. In addition, the project partners have given recommendations to for improving quality and enhancing innovation of the EU VET systems for logistics field of specialization. You can download material provided by the project here or on the project's website: Infographic on European logistic companies, professional profiles and skills of present and future Report on the Present and Future Scenario for VET & Logistics in Europe Globe@Home Strengthening Global Competencies Through Advanced Internationalisation at Home Practices (AKA) Globe@Home (2021-1-FI01-KA210-VET-000034553) - Coordinator 2021-2023 Internationalisation at home enables all students and staff, particularly the non-mobile groups, to experience the international and intercultural learning benefits. The project partners from Denmark, Finland and the Netherlands have tested virtual approaches to enrich English lessons. Further information on experiences during the pathway: Globe@Home: Vocational teachers from Finland, Denmark and The Netherlands are planning online student activities | Savon ammattiopisto ( Globe@Home: The challenging but rewarding journey of online VET student exchange | Savon ammattiopisto ( Globe@Home: Lessons learned so far in pilot exchange with 3 European VET schools | Savon ammattiopisto ( International event | Savon ammattiopisto (