Events & dissemination Project GreenVETnet has been disseminated in many platforms by partners. National Agency of Finland has published an interview in three languages In English: GreenVET increases green skills in vocational education and training | Finnish National Agency for Education ( In Swedish: GreenVETnet ökar de gröna arbetssätten i yrkesutbildningen | Utbildningsstyrelsen ( In Finnish: GreenVETnet tuo lisää vihreitä taitoja ammatilliseen koulutukseen | Opetushallitus ( Webinar: How to implement sustainability into tomorrow's education? Final Webinar of GreenVETnet project took place 1st December 2025. There were more than 130 people registered for the webinar. Programme: How to implement sustainability into tomorrow's education? Heikki Helve: How to integrate sustainability into VET organisation? (PDF) Mike Lyons: GreenComp - Framework for sustinability competences (PDF) Timea Baranyi: GreenVETnet portal and Green Skills Toolkit (PDF) SAMIEDU: Energy Efficient Construction (YouTube video) and text file Savo Vocational College: Competences in sustainabilitry, restaurant & catering: Competence in sustainability (Vimeo video) Maggie Näsmark: Transport and tourism, sustainability in curricilum (PDF)